Ново в Икономическата библиотека (21 – 25 ноември 2011)
„На китайски думата криза е съставена от два йероглифа. Единият означава опасност, а другият „представлява” възможност.” – Джон Кенеди
България в международните класации 2011
77 мерки за икономически растеж
Зорница Славова, Калоян Стайков
Институт за пазарна икономика, 2011
Вече за трета поредна година екипът на ИПИ в партньорство с Фондация за свободата „Фридрих Науман” публикува в едно общо издание най-известните международни индекси за развитие. Целта е да се проследи и коментира позицията на България спрямо страните с най-добрите политически и икономически резултати.
Без съмнение най-интересната и полезна част на изданието отново са препоръките на авторите за реформиране на публичната политика. Този път те са 77 и са насочени към стимулиране на икономическия растеж. Очевидно е, че за подобряване на икономическите показатели, са нужни преструктуриране на държавните разходи и подобряване на ефективността им, намаляване на административните тежести, подобряване на бизнес средата и гъвкавостта на пазара на труда, отказ от административно повишаване на доходите и повече коректност на държавата в отношенията с бизнеса.
Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance
Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm
Penguin Books, 2011-11-25
Drawing on the parallels from many countries and centuries, Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm, a professor of economic history and a New York Times Magazine writer, show that financial cataclysms are as old and as ubiquitous as capitalism itself. The last two decades alone have witnessed comparable crises in countries as diverse as Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, Pakistan, and Argentina. All of these crises-not to mention the more sweeping cataclysms such as the Great Depression-have much in common with the current downturn. Bringing lessons of earlier episodes to bear on our present predicament, Roubini and Mihm show how we can recognize and grapple with the inherent instability of the global financial system, understand its pressure points, learn from previous episodes of „irrational exuberance,“ pinpoint the course of global contagion, and plan for our immediate future. Perhaps most important, the authors-considering theories, statistics, and mathematical models with the skepticism that recent history warrants- explain how the world’s economy can get out of the mess we’re in, and stay out.
The First Crash: Lessons from the South Sea Bubble
Richard Dale
Cambridge University Press, 2004
„In this gripping tale of the South Sea scam, Richard Dale describes personal and corporate greed, creative accounting, and financial malpractice. He writes about events from three centuries ago, but his analysis is relevant to today’s investors, traders, and policymakers.“–Elroy Dimson, London Business School, author of Triumph of the Optimists
„This extremely useful contribution to the field serves to remind nonhistorians, and particularly most financial economists, that almost all of what is thought of as modern financial analysis today was available 300 years ago.“–Forrest Capie, City University Business School, London, author of Depression and Protectionism
Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
Charles P. Kindleberger and Robert Z. Aliber
Palgrave Macmillian, 2011
This is the sixth edition of Charles Kindleber¬ger’s classic history of financial crises since the dawn of capitalism. As the title of the opening chapter puts it, financial crisis is a „hardy perennial“, and there has been no shortage of material for the purposes of updating. The new edition incorporates events such as the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Bernie Madoff fraud into its analysis, which brings a welcome freshness. On the other hand, the updating – by Robert Aliber of the University of Chicago, following Kindleberger’s death in 2003 – has turned it into a less cohesive and pacy read compared to, say, the third edition (1996).
The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover – The Great Depression, 1929-1941
Herbert Hoover
Lightning Source UK Ltd., 2011
In the large sense the primary cause of the Great Depression was the war of 1914-1918. Without the war there would have been no depression of such dimensions. There might have been a normal cyclical recession; but, with the usual timing, even that readjustment probably would not have taken place at that particular period, nor would it have been a „Great Depression.“
The Great Depression was a two-stage process of several phases. We had a normal recession due to domestic causes beginning with the stock-market slump in October, 1929, but we were on the way out of it when the European difficulties rose to hurricane force and struck us in April, 1931. Thus the Great Depression did not really begin in the United States until the European collapse.” – H. Hoover
Essays on the Great Depression
Ben S. Bernanke
Princeton University Press, 2004
Few periods in history compare to the Great Depression. Stock market crashes, bread lines, bank runs, and wild currency speculation were worldwide phenomena–all occurring with war looming in the background. This period has provided economists with a marvelous laboratory for studying the links between economic policies and institutions and economic performance. Here, Ben Bernanke has gathered together his essays on why the Great Depression was so devastating.
This broad view shows us that while the Great Depression was an unparalleled disaster, some economies pulled up faster than others, and some made an opportunity out of it. By comparing and contrasting the economic strategies and statistics of the world’s nations as they struggled to survive economically, the fundamental lessons of macroeconomics stand out in bold relief against a background of immense human suffering. The essays in this volume present a uniquely coherent view of the economic causes and worldwide propagation of the depression.