Ново в Икономическата библиотека (9 – 13 май 2011)
Хенри Хазлит: 10 милиона думи
През тази седмица колекцията ни от творби на Хенри Хазлит значително се обогати. В битността си на журналист, редактор, литературен критик и икономист Хазлит е написал през живота си два трактата по икономика, етика и философия, един роман, трилог за литературната критика, шестнайсет други книги и голямо количество статии, рецензии и коментари. По собствената му оценка той е написал над 10 милиона думи или 150 тома събрани съчинения.
Хенри Хазлит (1894-1993) е известен и влиятелен представител на австрийската традиция на Лудвиг фон Мизес–Фридрих Хайек–Мъри Ротбард, журналист, литературен критик, икономист, философ, «икономическата съвест на нашата страна и нация» според Лудвиг фон Мизес.
Започва журналистическата си кариера през 1913 г. в „Уолстрийт Джърнъл”. В периода 1934-196 г., когато е член на редколегията на „Ню Йрок таймс”, пише известните си редакционни коментари, в които остро осъжда социално-икономическата политика на „новия курс”.
Автор и редактор на редица книги, най-известната от които е „Икономиката в един урок” (1946), която извлича изводите си от принципа на Фредерик Бастиа, представен в най-известният му софизъм „Това,което се вижда, и това, което не се вижда”.
Economics In One Lesson
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008
This is the book to send to reporters, politicians, pastors, political activists, teachers, or anyone else who needs to know.
The Critics of Keynesian Economics
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009
Henry Hazlitt confronted the rise of Keynesianism in his day and put together an intellectual arsenal: the most brilliant economists of the time showing what is wrong with the system, in great detail with great rigor… it remains the most powerful anti-Keynesian collection ever assembled.
The Failure of the „New Economics“
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
The Failure of the „New Economics“ (1959) is a book by Henry Hazlitt offering a detailed critique of John Maynard Keynes’ work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936).
The Anatomy of Criticism: A Trialogue
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
A fascinating study, brilliantly conceived and rendered by a master. As an extra bonus here, Hazlitt offers a postscript on the rise of Marxism in literary criticism… This is a highly significant essay becuase it was probably the first attack on Marxist literary deconstructionism ever written!
Man vs. the Welfare State
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
In this 1969 work, Henry Hazlitt explains why politicians who promise salvation through government are dangerous. Among the essays: Instant Utopia; Salvation Through Government Spending; „We Owe It to Ourselves“; Consequences of Dollar Debasement…
Will Dollars Save the World?
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
Henry Hazlitt had left the New York Times in an ideological disagreement over post-war economic policy. Once he left, he was free to speak his mind on the important issues of the day, among which the Marshall Plan.
This is his blockbuster argument against the idea of putting post-war Europe on the US dole. He made the case that aid would forestall rather than generate economic recovery. This is the first time this historic and still-powerful book has been available since its publication in 1947.
What You Should Know About Inflation
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
“One of the most stubborn fallacies about inflation is the assumption that it is caused, not by an increase in the quantity of money, but by a „shortage of goods.“
The Foundations of Morality
Foundation for Economic Education, 2007
In this impressive work Henry Hazlitt explores the proper foundation of morality, offering a unified theory of laws, morals, and manners. Noted economist Leland Yeager, in his foreword to this edition, says that The Foundations of Morality “provides . . . the soundest philosophical basis for the humane society that is the ideal of classical liberals.”
The Way to Will-Power
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008
What a thrilling little treasure this is, a completely rediscovered book by Henry Hazlitt from 1922.
This is Hazlitt before he became an advocate of the Austrian School, and here he is not writing on economics but personal ethics as informed by ancient principle.
… Why bring it back? Because it is Hazlitt, and because it is just splendid as a manual for the management of personal life.
Time Will Run Back: A Novel About the Rediscovery of Capitalism
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007
Here is a splendid novel by Henry Hazlitt, first published in 1951 and revised in 1966. The plot line explores the economic theories of capitalism and socialism.
It begins in a fully socialist society in which the new leader, who finds himself in that position only by accident, begins to rethink the economic basis of the system. He first begins to wonder whether the economy is doing well at all, and how they might discover this. This sets the leadership on a path to thinking about prices and calculation, and the very meaning of productivity.
The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt
Hans F. Sennholz (editor)
Foundation for Economic Education, 1993
This collection of essays introduces the reader to the economic thought of Henry Hazlitt. The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt contains essays discussing Hazlitt’s life, philosophy, career, and unwavering defense of the free market.