Ново в Икономическата библиотека (8-12 август 2011)
Лятно предложение на Икономическата библиотека на ИПИ и БМА!
Златото – „царят на металите” – е уникален, дефицитен, природен и финансов ресурс; „велика, тайнствена и демонична сила, олицетворяваща сила, власт и самочувствие“. Благородният метал е в основата на световната финансова система и е безспорен символ на богатство, стабилност и среда за инвестиране.
Историята на жълтия метал винаги е свързана с парите, производството, пазара и потреблението, властта и международната валутна система, морала или липсата на такъв.
Предвид международните реалности, обхватността на настоящата глобална финансово- икономическа криза и антикризисните мерки на правителствата, редица икономисти защитават тезата, че златото е изключително специфичен, световно търсен и търгуем ресурс, оказващ влияние върху развитието на икономиката. (доц. д-р Сава Димов, доц. к.ик.н. Валерий Смирнов, „Златото – уникален финансов ресурс за инвестиране в период на криза”)
Two Sides to the Coin: A History of Gold
Adam Wasserman
Lightning Source UK Ltd., 2011
This book is definitely a must read for those who are students of civilization and history. It shows us that all that glitters is not gold. It talks about the power of gold to build civilizations and yet at the same time destroy them. This book lays out how gold has created unimaginable wealth and at the same time has sown the seeds of destruction by encouraging short term thinking and destroying the morals that support any civilization. This book points out that what we are currently seeing with the destruction of many irreplaceable parts of the environment to the detriment of all of our futures, is history repeating itself, as this has happened time again since the times of the earliest civilizations in Egypt. This book is a definite must read for any one that wants to understand how civilizations are created and destroyed.
Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG’s Corporate Suicide
Roddy Boyd
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011
There are dozens of books on the financial crisis: I have read many of them and the Kindle samples for just about all of them. There are only two I would recommend: those are Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera’s excellent All the Devils are Here and the much more specifically detailed Fatal Risk from Roddy Boyd. Roddy’s book is solely concerned with the failure of AIG.
But for me (and because I was familiar with the broad details of the crisis anyway) the best book of the crisis is Roddy Boyd’s Fatal Risk. It is not a good first financial book to read and I had to think quite hard as to the details that Roddy glossed over – but that was because Roddy had to make a choice – was he writing for someone who vaguely knew what a credit default swap was or was he writing for someone who had actually read a “credit support annexe (a CSA)”. – John Hempton, Fatal Risk: The Must-Read Story Of AIG’s Downfall, Bronte Capital, April 2011
Guaranteed to Fail:
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance
Viral V. Acharya, Matthew Richardson, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Lawrence J. White
Princeton University Press, 2011
Guaranteed to Fail explains how poorly designed government guarantees for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac led to the debacle of mortgage finance in the United States, weighs different reform proposals, and provides sensible, practical recommendations. Despite repeated calls for tougher action, Washington has expanded the scope of its guarantees to Fannie and Freddie, fueling more and more housing and mortgages all across the economy–and putting all of us at risk. This book unravels the dizzyingly immense, highly interconnected businesses of Fannie and Freddie. It proposes a unique model of reform that emphasizes public-private partnership, one that can serve as a blueprint for better organizing and managing government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In doing so, Guaranteed to Fail strikes a cautionary note about excessive government intervention in markets.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
John Maynard Keynes
BN Publishing, 2008
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was written by the English economist John Maynard Keynes. The book, generally considered to be his magnum opus, is largely credited with creating the terminology and shape of modern macroeconomics. Published in February 1936 it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the „Keynesian Revolution“, in the way economists thought – especially in relation to the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment after temporary shocks. Regarded widely as the cornerstone of Keynesian thought, the book challenged the established classical economics and introduced important concepts such as the consumption function, the multiplier, the marginal efficiency of capital, the principle of effective demand and liquidity preference.