Ново в Икономическата библиотека (30 януари – 03 февруари 2012)
Bourbon for Breakfast: Living Outside the Statist Quo
Jeffrey Tucker
Terra Libertas, 2011
Most of the essays in this book do just this. They imagine radical new possibilities of living outside the status quo. Or perhaps we should say “statist” quo because it is the state that is responsible for shaping our world, in brazen ways and also subtle ones that we do not fully realize.
…To see the costs of statism is to see what Frederic Bastiat called the “unseen.” It is about imagining the existence of some possibility that the state has forbidden from existing, playing with that possibility in your mind, and then acting on what has previously been an abstraction and making it a reality. Art helps us accomplish this mental feat, which is why many of these essays deal with literature, movies, culture, and the arts.
Control or Economic Law
Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk
Terra Libertas, 2011
Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk was a giant of the Austrian School. Finally, here is an approachable book by him.
His masterworks on interest and capital run up to 1000-plus pages. Everyone should read them, as Mises said…
„Control or Economic Law,“ written in 1914, gets to the heart of the matter as regards the application of economics to politics. Either we let economic law run its course or we destroy the engine of prosperity. We must defer or we make matters worse by attempting to control society.
In short, this is a scientific but impassioned call for economic liberalization – from the grand old man who learned from Menger and then taught Mises his economics.
This essay also demonstrates that economic liberalism has long been part of the foundation of the political worldview of the Austrian tradition.
The Case Against The Fed
Murray N. Rothbard
Terra Libertas, 2011
The most powerful case against the American central bank ever written. This work begins with a mini-treatment of money and banking theory, and then plunges right in with the real history of the Federal Reserve System. Rothbard covers the struggle between competing elites and how they converged with the Fed.
Rothbard calls for the abolition of the central bank and a restoration of the gold standard. His popular treatment incorporates the best and most up-to-date scholarship on the Fed’s origins and effects.
Famous First Bubbles: The Fundamentals of Early Manias
Peter M. Garber
The MIT Press, 2000
In this book Garber offers market-fundamental explanations for the three most famous bubbles: the Dutch Tulipmania (1634-1637), the Mississippi Bubble (1719-1720), and the closely connected South Sea Bubble (1720). He focuses most closely on the Tulipmania because it is the event that most modern observers view as clearly crazy… In the cases of the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles, he describes the asset markets and financial manipulations involved in these episodes and casts them as market fundamentals.
„This wonderful short book takes us behind the curtains of financial folly. It skillfully offers both anecdote and analysis of events that we may be reliving just now.“
—Rudi Dornbusch, Ford Professor of Economics and International Management, MIT
Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World
The World Bank, 2011
Doing Business 2012, a co-publication of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, is the ninth in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it.
Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 183 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders. This year’s report data cover regulations measured from June 2010 through May 2011. The report rankings on ease of doing business have expanded to include indicators on getting electricity. The report finds that getting an electrical connection is most efficient in Iceland; Germany; Taiwan, China; Hong Kong SAR, China; and Singapore.
Long Term Care Policies for Older Populations
in New EU Member States and Croatia: Challenges and Opportunities
The World Bank, 2010
All four case study countries are facing the double challenge of an increasingly older and more dependent society. The question facing the case study countries, and many others around the world, is how the marked increase of the elderly population will impact future demand for LTC services. For case study countries it is clear that the aging and increasingly dependent population will boost demand for LTC services at the same time the tax base and supply of healthy people to provide them steadily shrinks.
Through an evaluation of the global literature on the financing and provision of long-term care services, the study develops a framework for public policy action on LTC. It applies this framework to four countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia and Poland – examining the current state of long-term care in these countries, and, by applying the framework, proposes possible options for policy-makers to consider.
Интеграция на капиталовия пазар и прилагането на MiFID: Българският опит/Capital Market Integration and MiFID Implementation: The Bulgarian Experience
Световна банка, 2011
Доклад на Световната банка, който прави преглед на изпълнението на директивата на ЕС за пазарите на финансови инструменти (MiFID), като и предварителна оценка на влиянието на тази директива върху пазара на финансови инструменти в България. Докладът също така отбелязва и какво е научено при прилагането на директивата. Изследването е част от аналитичните услуги на Световна банка и предоставяне на знания на регионално ниво, с основен фокус оценка на приложението на директивата в новите страни членки на ЕС и някои страни кандидатки.
България: Секторни анализи за едно по-добро бъдеще/
Bulgaria: Mapping Bulgaria’s Future
Световна банка, 2009
“Докладът на Световната банка: България „Секторни анализи за едно по-добро бъдеще” отразява стратегическите цели на настоящото политическо ръководство на аграрното ведомство, а именно изграждане на ефективен и конкурентен селскостопански сектор и предлагане на висококачествени и безопасни продукти на вътрешния и международния пазар. Ръководният екип на министерството цени високо усилията на международната финансова институция да окаже подкрепа на България с подпомагане процеса на очертаване на най-важните предизвикателства пред новото правителство”, заяви министърът на земеделието и храните д-р Мирослав Найденов. (2009)