Ново в Икономическата библиотека (2 – 5 май 2011)
Георги, Джордж, Жорж
За днешния брой избрахме да ви представим няколко заглавия, чиито автори носят името на св. Георги Победоносец. На иконите светецът е изобразяван винаги на кон, а в краката му лежи убитата от него ламя – своебразен символ на победата на доброто над злото.
И както винаги ще започнем хронологично.
George Washington: A Collection
Liberty Fund, 1988
George Washington: A Collection is an important addition to the literature on the American Revolution. The book provides a splendid introduction to Washington and his political beliefs, to the events of the Revolution through which he lived, and to the eighteenth-century world.
И след първия американски президент, участник в Конституционния конвент, един от бащите-основатели на САЩ, да видим как един друг съименник на Вашингтон „защитава конституцията”.
In Defense of the Constitution
George W. Carey
Liberty Fund, 1997
In Defense of the Constitution refutes modern critics of the Constitution who assail it as “reactionary” or “undemocratic.” The author argues that modern disciples of Progressivism are determined to centralize political control in Washington, D.C., to achieve their goal of an egalitarian national society. Furthermore, he contends, Progressive interpreters of the Constitution subtly distort fundamental principles of the Constitution for the precise purpose of achieving their egalitarian goals.
И пак за историята, която някои определят като учителка на народите.
A History of Private Life
Philippe Ariès and Georges Duby
Routledge, 1995
“Private life has always been a matter of public conjecture. This admirable book brings it intelligently into the web of social history and is a model for historians and readers alike. Beautifully produced, it adds apt and rare illustrations to a text by experts who presuppose human curiosity, but no undue knowledge. Its range and level of argument will intrigue anyone who has wondered about past attitudes to such matters as sex and the family, households, social inferiors, dress and even undress.” – Robin Lane Fox, Washington Post
И към днешния ден – с неговите динамични промени.
Uprising: Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy
George Magnus
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011
Emerging markets are big news. But after the financial crisis, what does the future really hold for them? And what does this future mean for global business?
George Magnus, one of the world’s most respected economic analysts, is your guide through the challenges and opportunities for emerging markets and those doing business in them.
The Transfer Society
David N. Laband and George C. McClintock
CATO Institute, 2001
From advertising descriptions of this small book (eighty-three pages of text) by David Laband and George McClintock, one is led to believe that The Transfer Society estimates what economists have come to refer to as rent-seeking costs. The authors themselves do not use this term until late in the book (chap. 5), and it is not clear whether they regard all the costs they have identified and estimated as rent-seeking costs or as something else. Whatever the costs are called, the magnitude is startling—approximately $549 billion in 1997. The “transfer society” is apparently far more costly than most of us had suspected.
Равнище на доверие във валутния режим в България през 1991 – 2003 г.
Начален опит за калибрация
Георги Ганев
БНБ, 2004
Кой е виновен за кризата?
Отговорът на австрийската икономическа школа
Георги Ангелов – съставител, автор на предговора
Сиела, 2010
Власт за работниците – приватизация на осигурителната система в Чили
Хосе Пинера
Превод: Георги Ангелов и Владислав Сланчев
ИПИ, 2008