Ново в Икономическата библиотека (16-20 януари 2012)
Алфред Нобел е шведски химик и изобретател, депозирал в различни държави около 350 сертификата, представящи 150 изобретения.
През 1866 г. смесва нитроглицерина с инфузорна пръст и получава динамита, след което организира производството му.
През 1868 г. заедно с баща си получава златния медал “Летерстед” на Шведската академия на науките за използването на нитроглицерина и откриването на динамита.
Член е на Кралската шведска академия на науките (1884 г.), на Лондонското кралско дружество и на Дружеството на инженерите в Париж. От 1880 г. е рицар на Нордстейерне орден; почетен доктор по философия на университета в Упсала (от 1893 г.); кавалер на Почетния легион.
Романтик по душа, учен по призвание, писател, директор на фабрики – този човек бил изтъкан от противоречия. През 1893 г. основава фонд и завещава огромното си богатство на най-прогресивната човешка мисъл от целия свят. В завещанието, което изготвя, той обявява наградите за мир, химия, физика и медицина. През 1895г. добавя и наградата за литература.
Из завещанието на Алфред Нобел:
„Цялото мое останало реализуемо състояние трябва да се разпредели по следния начин…да бъде създаден фонд, чиято същност е ежегодно награждаване с парична прамия на тези хора, които през изтеклата година са съумели да принесат най-голяма полза на човечеството.
… Това е моята воля и присъждането на наградите не трябва да се свързва с принадлежността на лауреата към тази или онази нация, така както и сумата на възнаграждение не трябва да се определя от принадлежността на носителя към това или онова поданство“.
За Нобеловата награда:
От 1901 г. насам, съгласно завещанието, Нобеловата награда се връчва на мъже и жени от целия свят за забележителни постижения в областта на физиката, химията, физиологията или медицината, литературата и работа в полза на мира. През 1968 г. към списъка с наградите се прибавя и Наградата за икономически науки на Шведската банка в памет на Алфред Нобел, която се счита за една от най-престижните награди за икономически изследвания.
Любопитни факти за Нобеловата награда по икономика:
43 награди за икономика, ежегодно от 1969 г. насам.
22 пъти с наградата е удостоен само един лауреат
16 пъти с наградата са удостоени двама лауреати
5 пъти с награда са удостоени трима лауреати
Най-младият лауреат е Кенет Ароу, който е на 51 г., когато през 1971 г. става носител на наградата.
Най-възрастният лауреат е Леонид Хурвиц, който е на 90 г., когато получавана наградата през 2007 г.
Жени – лауреати на наградата.
Елинор Остром е първата (и до момента единствена) жена-носител на Нобеловия приз по икономика (2009). Общият брой на носителките на наградата, във всички области, е 43.
разполагаме с трудовете на 14 от общо 69-те удостоени с престижната награда.
Представяме ви някои от тях (в хронологичен ред, по годината на награждаването).
Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure and Spread
Simon Kuznets
Yale University Press, 1966
In a comprehensive analysis of the quantitative characteristics of economic growth, Mr. Kuznets illuminates the basic features of the modem economic epoch. He makes a detailled comparative enalysis of industrial structure, income distribut ion among factors and by size, trends in patterns of product use, and growing international interdependance in the modem period.
This book provides a rethinking of particular branches of economics in the world perspective, combined w i th a bibliography of cvailable mater ial from many countries. It may help teachers to give their courses a broader and more comparative orientation.
The Fortunes of Liberalism:
Essays on Austrian Economics and the Ideal of Freedom
Friedrich August von Hayek
Liberty Fund, Inc., 2008
“The history of economics is full of tales of forgotten forerunners, men whose work had no effect and was only rediscovered after their main ideas had been made popular by others, of remarkable coincidences of simultaneous discoveries, and of the peculiar fate of individual books. But there must be few instances, in economics of any other branch of knowledge, where the works of an author who revolutionised the body of an already well-developed science and who has been generally recognised to have done so, have remained so little known as those of Carl Menger.”
http://library.ime.bg/authors/friedrich-von-hayek/ – книги на английски език
http://library.ime.bg/authors/fridrih-haiek/ – книги на български език
Capitalism and Freedom
Milton Friedman
The University of Chicago Press, 2002
Selected by the Times Literary Supplement as one of the „hundred most influential books since the war“.
How can we benefit from the promise of government while avoiding the threat it poses to individual freedom? In this classic book, Milton Friedman provides the definitive statement of his immensely influential economic philosophy—one in which competitive capitalism serves as both a device for achieving economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom.
http://library.ime.bg/authors/milton-friedman/ – книги на английски език
http://library.ime.bg/authors/miltyn-fridman/ – книги на български език
The Organization of Industry
George J. Stigler
R. D. Irwin, 1968
The Organization of Industry collects essays written over two decades…
In part one, Stigler examines the nature of competition and monopoly. In part two he discusses the forces that determine the size structure of industry, including barriers to entry, economics of scale, and mergers. Part three contains articles on a wide range of topics, such as profitability, delivered price systems, block booking, the economics of information, and the kinky oligopoly demand curve and rigid price. Part four offers a discussion of antitrust policy and includes Stigler’s recommendations for future policy as well as an examination of the effects of past policies.
Politics as Public Choice
The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan: Volume XIII
James Buchanan
Liberty Fund, 2000
This volume presents a collection of thirty-four essays and shorter works by James M. Buchanan that represent the brilliance of his founding work on public-choice theory.
As Robert D. Tollison concludes his foreword to these volumes, “Read in conjunction with the other parts of the ‘Collected Works,’ these papers offer the reader a fuller appreciation of the public-choice revolution and its impact and prospects.”
http://library.ime.bg/authors/james-m-buchanan/ – книги на английски език
Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets
Harry M. Markowitz
Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1989
The purpose of this book is two-fold – first, to present a comprehensive and accessible account of the general mean-variance portfolio analysis and second, to illustrate its usefulness in the practice of portfolio management and the theory of capital markets. The work is aimed at professional financial economists and operational research scholars, graduate students in courses in mean-variance analysis and advanced portfolio theory.
The Firm, the Market, and the Law
R. H. Coase
The University of Chicago Press, 1988
Few other economists have been read and cited as often as R.H. Coase has been, even though, as he admits, „most economists have a different way of looking at economic problems and do not share my conception of the nature of our subject.“ Coase’s particular interest has been that part of economic theory that deals with firms, industries, and markets—what is known as price theory or microeconomics.
He has always urged his fellow economists to examine the foundations on which their theory exists, and this volume collects some of his classic articles probing those very foundations. „The Nature of the Firm“ (1937) introduced the then-revolutionary concept of transaction costs into economic theory. „The Problem of Social Cost“ (1960) further developed this concept, emphasizing the effect of the law on the working of the economic system. The remaining papers and new introductory essay clarify and extend Coarse’s arguments and address his critics.
The Essence of Becker
Ramon Febrero, Pedro Schwartz
Hoover Institution Press, 1995
Becker’s findings not only shift huge problems that other social scientists once considered immovable but also stand up to empirical challenge. His singular axiom – that all actors in the social game are economic persons who maximize their advantages in different cost situations – allows Becker to study persistent racial and sexual discrimination, investment in human capital, crime and punishment, marriage and divorce, the family, drug addiction, and other apparently noneconomic dimensions of society. The essays presented here capture Becker’s innovative analyses of these topics and include the text of his Nobel lecture, a personal assessment of his contributions to the profession.
Economics of the Public Sector
Joseph Е. Stiglitz
Norton & Company, 1988
“While market failures led to the major government programs of the 1930s and 1960s, in the 1970s the shortcomings of the programs led economists and political scientists to investigate government failure. Under what conditions would government programs not work well? Were the failures of government programs mere accidents, or were they predictable results, following from the inherent nature of governmental activity? Are there the lessons to be learned for the design of programs in the future?”