Ново в Икономическата библиотека (12 – 16 септември 2011)
Избрани заглавия за австрийската икономичeска школа и либертарианството
An Introduction to Austrian Economics
Thomas C. Taylor
Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 2008
For the serious student, this exposition by Thomas C. Taylor of the essentials of Austrian economics is excellent. Taylor discusses all the fundamental aspects of Austrian thought, from subjectivism and marginal utility to inflation and the business cycle. This new and revised edition is widely influential among students of economics.
For the newcomer, this work represents a concise introduction both to the historical setting of the Austrian School and to the ideas espoused by its members.
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
Peter J. Boettke
Edward Elgar, 1998
The Elgar Companion should be a valuable reference for students of Austrian economics. A few years ago it would have been impossible to assemble such an extensive stable of Austrian writers. Many were probably still youngsters, some perhaps not even born, when Mises spoke 36 years ago. Yet they have become spokesmen for the free market, non-interventionist teachings of Mises and his Austrian school colleagues. Mises’ trust in the rising generation was well justified.
Ludwig Von Mises Institute Home Study Course in Austrian Economics:
52–Week Lesson Plan and Study Guide
Robert P. Murphy
Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 2005
This course gives you what no live classroom can, which is the opportunity to study with a huge faculty of specialists and their lectures over a long span of time and at a pace that is right for you.
The lessons are divided into these general areas: The Core of Austrian Theory, Ethical Foundations, Applied Economic Topics, Government Distortions, Economic History, Alternative Schools of Thought, and Perspectives on the Past and Future. Within each are the 52 lectures tied to readings from the Austrian literature.
The Great Austrian Economists
Randall G. Holcombe (ed.)
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009
The Austrian tradition began formally with Carl Menger’s 1871 work Principles of Economics. But its roots stretch back to the late-scholastic period, when philosophers first began to think systematically about the relationship between human choice and material resources.
This collection presents ideas from the full sweep of this intellectual history, highlighting 15 thinkers who made the greatest contribution to advancing the Austrian School of economics. These original essays are written by top Austrians who explain the Austrian view of property, markets, prices, competition, entrepreneurship, business cycles, and government policy.
Contributors include Murray Rothbard, Israel Kirzner, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, Jeffrey Herbener, Peter Klein, Mark Thornton, Jesus Huerta de Soto, Larry Sechrest, John Egger, Roger Garrison, Shawn Ritenour, Thomas DiLorenzo, and Jeffrey Tucker.
Economists covered are de Mariana, Cantillon, Turgot, Say, Bastiat, Menger, Wicksteed, Boehm-Bawerk, Fetter, Mises, Hazlitt, Hayek, Hutt, Roepke, and Rothbard.
Economic Science and the Austrian Method
A definitive defense of the methodological foundations of Austrian economics. Hoppe sets the praxeological view (economics as a purely deductive science) against positivism, while taking the critics of the Austrian approach head on. Hans-Hermann Hoppe rests his argument on the Kantian idea of the „synthetic apriori“ proposition, thereby expanding an aim of Mises’s in the methodology section of Human Action. Hoppe is the Austrian School’s most prominent methodologist, and here he is in top form. He combines a rigorous scientific explanation with fantastic passion and rhetoric. These lectures astonished students at the Mises University when they were first delivered. They were later turned into this monograph, which has been a staple of Austrian pedagogy ever since.
The Liberal Mind
Kenneth Minogue
Liberty Fund, 2001
But what, precisely, is liberalism? Or, more accurately, can liberalism be defined precisely? Minogue attempts to answer both questions. „The Liberal Mind attempts to uncover the philosophy of liberalism and lay bare its implications. What is Man? How does he think and feel? What is the place of Reason in human affairs? How should men live? What is politics, and what is it for? These are the questions which liberalism both asks and answers. The answers supply a technique of living, which is a utilitarian moral guide: yet the great advantage claimed for this code is that it is scientific. Because of this claim, liberalism is forced into a series of moral and political evasions, both doctrines and emotional habits of thought. These are dissected in The Liberal Mind.“
The Libertarian Reader:
Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao Tzu to Milton Friedman
David Boaz
The Free Press, 1997
Conceived as the companion volume to David Boaz’s Libertarianism, this anthology comprising the likes of Lao-tzu and Milton Friedman is a treasure trove. That’s because libertarianism touches on such important issues as the nature and extent of individual rights, the proper powers of government, and the virtues and shortcomings of the marketplace, and besides, it has tempted many of history’s best minds.
Либертарианството: въведение
Дейвид Боаз
“Либертарианството: въведение” на Дейвид Боаз е обобщение на една политическа философия, основаваща се на вярата в обществен ред, изграден върху индивидуалните права и свободата. Либертарианството означава: колкото се може повече свобода, колкото е необходимо държава. Много хора живеят според този възглед; малцина са достатъчно смели, за да го изповядват като политическа програма. Тази книга възражда надеждата, че общество, основано на принципите на свободата и доброволното съжителство, не е утопия, а възможна и желана алтернатива.
Libertarianism, from A to Z
Jeffrey A. Miron
Basic Books, 2010
Principled, surprising, and thought provoking, Libertarianism, from A to Z, has everything a bourgeoning libertarian—or responsible citizen—needs to know.