Ново от Икономическата библиотека (6-10 декември 2010)
Излезе пети брой на информационния бюлетин на Икономическата библиотека.
Темата на новия брой на бюлетина е „Романи с идеология“. Авторът – Айн Ранд.
13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown
Simon Johnson and James Kwak
Pantheon Books, 2010
13 Bankers describes the rise of concentrated financial power and the threat it poses to our economic well-being. Over the past three decades, a handful of banks became spectacularly large and profitable and used their power and prestige to reshape the political landscape. By the late 1990s, the conventional wisdom in Washington was that what was good for Wall Street was good for America. This ideology of finance produced the excessive risk-taking of the past decade, creating an enormous bubble and ultimately leading to a devastating financial crisis and recession.
More remarkable, the responses of both the Bush and Obama administrations to the crisis–bailing out the megabanks on generous terms, without securing any meaningful reform–demonstrate the lasting political power of Wall Street. The largest banks have become more powerful and more emphatically “too big to fail,” with no incentive to change their behavior in the future. This only sets the stage for another financial crisis, another government bailout, and another increase in our national debt.
The alternative is to confront the power of Wall Street head on, which means breaking up the big banks and imposing hard limits on bank size so they can’t reassemble themselves. The good news is that America has fought this battle before in different forms, from Thomas Jefferson’s (unsuccessful) campaign against the First Bank of the United States to the trust-busting of Teddy Roosevelt and the banking regulations of the 1930s enacted under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 13 Bankers explains why we face this latest showdown with the financial sector, and what is at stake for America. http://library.ime.bg/search/13+bankers/
Whither growth in central and eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe
Torbjörn Becker, Daniel Daianu, Zsolt Darvas, Vladimir Gligorov, Michael A Landesmann, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Pavle Petrovic, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Dariusz K. Rosati, André Sapir
Bruegel, 2010
In this Blueprint, Bruegel Resident Fellows Zsolt Darvas, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Andre Sapir and their co-authors Torbjörn Becker, Daniel Daianu, Vladimir Gligorov, Michael A Landesmann, Pavle Petrovic, Dariusz K. Rosati and Beatrice Weder di Mauro argue that in view of the depth of integration in Europe, the development model of the central, eastern and south-eastern Europe (CESEE) region, despite its shortcomings, should be preserved. But it should be reformed, with major implications for policymaking both at national and EU levels. If so, what are the required changes? Bruegel and The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) cooperated to form this expert group of economists from various European countries to research these issues. http://library.ime.bg/search/whither+growth/
N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor
W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd, 2006
Mankiw’s Macroeconomics is popular, widely adopted and well-known for clearly communicating the principles of Macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way. Every chapter of this textbook includes fully integrated real-world examples, stories and applications. These help to make economics accessible and entertaining while teaching intuitively and reinforcing critical concepts.
Government Failure: A Primer in Public Choice
Gordon Tullock, Arthur Seldon, Gordon L. Brady
Cato Institute, 2002
When market forces fail us, what are we to do? Who will step in to protect the public interest? The government, right? Wrong.
The romantic view of bureaucrats coming to the rescue confuses the true relationship between economics and politics. Politicians often cite “market failure” as justification for meddling with the economy, but a group of leading scholars show the shortcomings of this view. In Government Failure, these scholars explain the school of study known as “public choice,” which uses the tools of economics to understand and evaluate government activity.
Gordon Tullock, one of the founders of public choice, explains how government „cures“ often cause more harm than good. Tullock provides an engaging overview of public choice and discusses how interest groups seek favors from government at enormous costs to society. Displaying the steely realism that has marked public choice, Tullock shows the political world as it is, rather than as it should be.
Gordon Brady scrutinizes American public policy, looking closely at international trade, efforts at regulating technology, and environmental policy. At every turn Brady points out the ways in which interest groups have manipulated the government to advance their own agendas.
Arthur Seldon, a seminal scholar in public choice, provides a comparative perspective from Great Britain. He examines how government interventions in the British economy have led to inefficiency and warns about the political centralization promised by the European Community.
Government Failure heralds a new approach to the study of politics and public policy. This book enlightens readers with the basic concepts of public choice in an unusually accessible way to show the folly of excessive faith in the state.http://library.ime.bg/government-failure-a-primer-in-public-choice/
Рейтинг на висшите училища в България 2011
В два тома
Демакс, 2010
Към момента на създаване на настоящата рейтингова система в България функционират над 50 висши училища, които предлагат обучение по над 600 специалности, разпределени в над 50 професионални направления. Нито едно висше училище не предлага обучение по всички професионални направления. Затова рейтинговата система позволява изработването на отделни класации на висшите училища по всяко едно от съществуващите професионални направления, а не една обща класация на висшите училища в България.http://library.ime.bg/reiting-na-visshite-uchilishta-v-bylgariya-2011/