Нови книги в Икономическата библиотека (21 – 25 март 2011)
Свободата – лична, икономическа, социална, етична, политическа… е в центъра и на двете книги, които представяме.
Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy
Frank H. Knight
Liberty Fund, 1982
The fifteen essays in this collection, first published in 1947, treat a variety of economic, social, political, and philosophical problems and were written by a legendary professor of economics at the University of Chicago.
Professor Knight (1885–1972) wrote from the viewpoint of ethics as well as economics. His own words best describe his objective in this book: „The basic principle of science—truth or objectivity—is essentially a moral principle. . . . The presuppositions of objectivity are integrity, competence, humility. . . . All coercion is absolutely excluded in favor of free meeting of free minds.“
In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays
Frank S. Meyer
Liberty Fund, 1996
Meyer has done more than anyone in America to search out the metaphysics of freedom.—William F. Buckley, Jr., Founding Editor, National Review
When it first appeared in 1962, In Defense of Freedom was hailed by Richard M. Weaver as „a brilliant defense of the primacy of the person“ and an effective „indictment of statism and bureaucratism.“ Meyer examines the tension between the freedom of the person and the power of social institutions. In his view, both the dominant Liberalism and the „New Conservatism“ of the American tradition place undue emphasis on the claims of social order at the expense of the individual person and liberty. http://library.ime.bg/in-defense-of-freedom-and-related-essays/
Свободата е тема, която е вълнувала и ще вълнувала всички големи мислители.
Това са само малка част от книгите, посветени на СВОБОДАТА.
History as the Story of Liberty
Benedetto Croce
Liberty Fund, 2000
Capitalism and Freedom
Milton Friedman
The University of Chicago Press, 2002
Hayeks’s The Constitution of Liberty: An Account of Its Argument
Eugene F. Miller
The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2010
The Politics of Freedom: The Politics of Freedom
David Boaz
Cato Institute, 2008
Toward liberty: The Idea That Is Changing the World
David Boaz
Cato Institute, 2002
Liberty and the State
Charles K. Rowley
Edward Elgar, 1993
The Soul of Liberty
Robert A. Sirico
Action Institute, 2002
On Ordered Liberty: A Treatise on the Free Society (Religion, Politics, and Society in the New Millennium)
Samuel Gregg
Lexington Books, 2003
Не само философите се вълнуват от въпросите на свободата.
Нашият музикален поздрав към вас е „Свобода” в изпълнени на големия китарист, певец, текстописец и продуцент Джими Хендрикс.