Ново в Икономическата библиотека (18 – 21 април 2011)
Този брой посвещаваме на връзката между християнските добродетели, свободата, частната собственост и капитализма. Темата е заминавала редица значими философи, теолози, икономисти и писатели. Мнозина автори защитават идеята, че корените на съвременния демократически капитализъм получават своята жизнена енергия от някои основни етически постулати на християнската философия.
Представяме ви някои от заглавията в Икономическата библиотека, свързани с темата за християнството, църквата ипреобразуването на капитализма.
Да се върнем назад във времето, когато догмите, приети от първите четири Вселенски събора ще предопределят развитието на християнската църква на Изток и на Запад.,
Догматическите формулировки на първите четири вселенски събори
Тотю П. Коев
Синодално издателство, 1968
И да продължим с отношенията между светската и църковната власт, с ролята на християнството в процеса на видоизменяне на капитализма.
Церковь и государство
Священник Алексей Николин
Сертенского монастыря, 1997
Священник Алексей Николин в монографии «Церковь и государство», рассматривая историю правовых актов в отношении Церкви с первых веков христианства до наших дней.
Religion and the Transformation of Capitalism
Richard H. Roberts
Routledge, 1995
„Religion and the Transformations of Capitalism“ addresses from a sociological standpoint the interaction of religions and forms of contemporary capitalism. The book is divided into three parts: Part One offers a series of readings of the „classics“ re-interpreted in the light of contemporary scholarship of the type Weber himself conducted; Part Two contains three rather different discussions of the connection between resurgent capitalism and new religious movements in developed societies; Part Three deals with aspects of „globalization“ and „post-modernity“ and their inter-relation with religious transformations.
Public Religions in the Modern World
José Casanova
The University of Chicago Press, 1994
In a sweeping recnsideration of the relation between religion and modernity, Jose Casaova surveys the roles that religions may play in the public sphere of the modern societies. Casanova looks at five cases from two religious traditions in four countries. These cases challenges post-war – and indeed post-Enlightenment – assumptions about the role of modernity and secularization in religious movements thoughout the world.
За морала, свободата, частната собственост и… икономистите
Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
David Hume
Liberty Fund, 1985
This edition contains the thirty-nine essays included in Essays, Moral, and Literary, that made up Volume I of the 1777 posthumous Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. It also includes ten essays that were withdrawn or left unpublished by Hume for various reasons. The two most important were deemed too controversial for the religious climate of his time.
Essays on Ethics, Religion and Society
Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume 10
John Stuart Mill
Liberty Fund, 2006
Volume 10 includes such significant essays as Utilitarianism, Auguste Comte and Positivism, and Three Essays on Religion, as well as other works, which clarify Mill’s enduring intellectual connection to Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarian school. In Utilitarianism, Mill sought to refine utilitarian doctrine by exploring the qualitative differences in different types of pleasures and arguing that higher artistic and intellectual pleasures should be given greater value over lesser types of pleasure.
„Are Economists Basically Immoral?“ and Other Essays on Economics, Ethics, and Religion
Paul Heyne
Liberty Fund, 2008
Heyne’s writings are unique in that he takes the critics of the free market order seriously and addresses their arguments directly, showing how they are defective in their understanding of economics and in their ethical and theological underpinnings. The engaging style of Heyne’s essays makes them accessible to students as well as to scholars. Even in discussions of topics well beyond the fundamental level, Heyne still succeeds in providing students with an appreciation of basic economic principles.
Трудовете на Майкъл Новак – американски философ, теолог, култ уролог, удостоен с наградата Темпелтън за оригиналния си труд, в който обвързва теологията с икономиката, са своеобразно обобщение на днешното представяне.
The Catholic Ethic And The Spirit Of Capitalism
The Free Press, 1993
Novak offers a vision of how the Catholic ethic undergirds, corrects and enlarges the spirit of capitalism.
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism
Madison Books, 1991
Michael Novak is probably the foremost Christian thinker on the economy. Any of his books reward study, but „The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism“ is undoubtedly his magnum opus.
Думите на руския писател Л.Н. Толстой, че “доброто е нещо, което е трудно да се определи, но то определя всичко останало” приемете като наше пожелание за светли Великденски празници!
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