The remission of crimes

The new cabinet insists on amnesty on flight capital and tax evasion. It would be a wrong, meaningless and harmful because of several obvious reasons

1/ The country hasn't experienced any kind of extraordinary situations such as wars – neither civil war, nor war with an invader. There are no circumstances that can account for the capital export and non-execution duties.

2/ The capital export in the case of Bulgaria is connected with either criminal activity or thefts of extremely high amounts. For example, "siphoning" banks and state-owned enterprises, frauds through investment contracts of pyramidal type, etc. The old currency regime and the temporary prohibitions on export are the only theoretical excuse for violation of the laws. It is acceptable when there is a transfer of money for relatives or for contracts abroad. But it is also doubtful even if the bans are meaningless.

3/ The uncertainty for the legal order and the execution of the contracts is the main defect of such an approach. A country, in which the criminals are not procecuted, has no chances to attract serious domestic and foreign investments.

4/ The movement of money and investment depends on the perspectives for profit and the rate of return. Actually, in the preposition of amnestry, the thief sees a romantic point of veiw when he comes back to his country due to his love towards these people who he has robbed. The capitals, that have had the possibility to return, have already returned in the form of registered abroad companies, For example registered in Switzerland, Man, Ciprus, etc. In fact, there have been already amnisted through non-execution of the requirements for money origin proofs, MEBOs, illegal import,..

5/ Exsample: in 2000, there are 250 registered in Cyprus companies, operating in Bulgaria. For the period 1992-1999, the foreign investments from Cyprus were $249.37 million. Cyprus takes the third place in investments abroad (after Germany and Belgium). The largest part of investments is in the period of 1997-1999; the growth of investments of the registered firms there is 435 %.In 1998-1999, the share of the direct investments from Cyprian firms is 17,6 % and 14,4 % respectively.

6/ A hypothesis by Ronald Crous says that in the end, the man who is competitive and keeps the rules of the game is more efficient than this one who violates them. Behind the preposition for the amnestry stays the opposite statement: that this one who doesn't observe the rules is more cometitive. There are a lot of confirmations of this hypotesis. But it is more important that is serves as explanatory principle and as moral reference point. The moral harms of the opposite to Couse point of view, addopted in the legislation, are the most significant; they lead to adverse sellection of investors.

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