The more the state "plans" the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.
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- Public finance
- Economic development
- Investment
- Regional development
- Justice
- Education
- Regulation
- Healthcare
- Povety and inequality
- Labor Market
- Policy positions
IPI closely monitors the state of public finances and annually suggests ways to increase the transparency and efficiency of public spending. Here you will also find all editions of our annual Low Tax Alternative Budget.

Here you can find all the leading analyzes of the IME in the field of economic development.

Here we publish the analyzes of the IME of the investments in Bulgaria – in the regions, industries and according to the sources.

The analysis of the social and economic development of the Bulgarian regions has been one of the main spheres of activity of the FII for the last 10 years. Here you will find more information about the annual editions of the “Regional Profiles: Development Indicators” survey, as well as the “Local Doing Business” index.

There is a direct relationship between a functioning justice system and the conditions for economic growth. Here you can find the analyzes that the IPI publishes as part of its legal program.

This section contains the IPI’s analyzes of the state, problems and directions of development of school and higher education.

The quality of regulations is of paramount importance in ensuring a good environment for doing business.

Here IME publishes its research related to health care – the state and problems of the hospital system, public and private financing, pharmacies and medicines.

This section contains the analyzes of the IME, dedicated to the dimensions and factors that predetermine poverty and excessive inequality in Bulgaria, as well as proposals for overcoming them

Here we include the analyzes of employment, unemployment, inactivity and the main factors that drive the Bulgarian labor market.

Here we publish all the official policy positions that the Institute has sent to the state administration.
Since the beggining of the year the bulgarian government spent (in bgn).
Tax freedom day: The crises moved tax freedom to the end of may.