Bulgaria in International Rankings 2011: 77 Recommendations for Economic Growth

Bulgaria in International Rankings 2011

77 Recommendations for Economic Growth


The publication “Bulgaria in International Rankings (77 Recommendations for Economic Growth)is a review of 9 international well-known indices and Bulgaria’s score and ranking in them.

Currently there is a number of international rankings and surveys calculated by different international organizations that track the development of societies in almost all aspects of the economic and social life.

The Institute for Market Economics (IME) examines, analyzes and participates in the calculation of many of these rankings and follow Bulgaria’s development through the years. This is the third year that we prepare the publication, combining the most important international indices, in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The study remains the most systemic overview of Bulgaria’s development as well as of good practices around the world and top performers.

Following the review of Bulgaria’s ranking, we summarized 77 recommendations, based on good practices around the world, which could help Bulgaria achieve higher growth, better functioning market economy and a more efficient government.


The full text in Bulgarian with resume in English can be found on IME website:



Press-conference (November 22, 2011)

The third edition of this study in 2011 included the following indices: (1) Global Competitiveness 2012, (2) Economic Freedom of the World 2011; (3) International Property Rights Index 2011; (4) Corruption Perception 2010; (5) Doing Business 2012; (6) Economic Freedom 2011; (7) Open Budget 2010; (8) PISA 2009 and (9) Human Development 2010.


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