Ново в Икономическата библиотека (29 август – 02 септември 2011)

Морал, религия, свобода, капитализъм


По щастливо стечение на обстоятелствата и най-новата ни книга в библиотеката е посветена на темата за нравствеността, свободата, инициативността и капитализма. Тя е дарение от Том Палмър – редактор на сборника с есета.


The Morality of Capitalism: What Your Professors Won’t Tell You

Tom Palmer

Jameson Books, Inc., 2011

The second in the „What Your Professors Won’t Tell You“ series of essays on political economy, this collection includes thirteen essays; authors include Nobel Prize winners Mario Vargas Llosa and Vernon Smith, Whole Foods Market CEO and founder John Mackey, and scholars from across the globe. This book series is a project of the campus organization Students for Liberty and is intended to „offer the other side of the debate, the side that is rarely acknowledged to exist“ in college courses on economics and political science. Students are encouraged to „read the best criticisms of free market capitalism … Marx, Sombart, Rawls, Sandel“ and then „wrestle with the arguments offered in this book, think about them, and make up your own mind.“



На семинара в Троян (15-21 август 2011 г.) за моралната същност на капитализма, индивидуалните права като метанорми и политическата философията на „модерните времена” говори професор Дъглас Расмусен (Douglas Rasmussen).




В своите лекции той нееднократно се позоваваше и цитираше видния теолог, философ, журналист и дипломат Майкъл Новак.

В този брой представяме само някои от трудовете на Майкъл Новак, които можете да намерите в библиотеката. Цялата колекция е достъпна тук.

С това отбелязваме и 78-ия рожден ден (роден е на 9 септември 1933 г.) на страстния защитник на капитализма, който все така неуморно работи, пише и публикува.


The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism 

Madison Books, 1991

Michael Novak is probably the foremost Christian thinker on the economy. Any of his books reward study, but „The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism“ is undoubtedly his magnum opus. In this classic text, which has now been updated and revised, Novak joins issue with theologians like Paul Tillich who contend that „any serious Christian must be a socialist.“ It appeared in a samizdat (underground) edition in Poland during the 1980s and had an obvious impact on the Solidarity movement. Its reasoned defense of democratic capitalism as being grounded in the humane values of the Judeo-Christian tradition also helped give a moral center to the neo-conservative movement.



The Catholic Ethic And The Spirit Of Capitalism

The Free Press, 1993

Novak’s title is an intentional play on the title of Max Weber’s 1904 book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. According to Weber, capitalism has important religious foundations, derived in large part from what Weber believed to be essential characteristics of Calvinism or Protestantism. Novak’s version of capitalism is different from Weber’s. Where Weber saw primarily individualism and calculation, Novak offers a vision marked by opportunity, cooperative effort, social initiative, creativity, and invention. Novak insists he is using the word “catholic” in two senses: (1) with a capital “C,” where the word refers to Roman Catholic in opposition to Weber’s “Protestant”; and (2) with a small “c,” where the word refers to a broader definition of Christianity than Weber’s.


Will it Liberate? Questions about Liberation Theology

Madison Books, 1991

Michael Novak’s Will It Liberate? is a volume all men and women committed to liberty should purchase and read. The work’s subtitle—Liberation Theology and The Liberal Society—might deter potential readers for whom theology holds little appeal, but such a reaction would be sadly shortsighted, it would deprive them of an invaluable resource in the ongoing struggle for a free market economy in a free society. Novak in this work addresses what, in both secular and religious circles, is perhaps the most strident contemporary criticism of economic and individual liberty.

The phrase “trickle-down economics” refers to a caricature of free market economics. The phrase “trickle-down mythology,” however, accurately describes a familiar and important phenomenon. Ideas conceived in academic heights “trickle-down” to more earthy levels, taking simplified form in slogans scrawled upon walls and in allegedly self-evident troths assumed by journalists, television and radio commentators, and indeed by “ordinary” people.



This Hemisphere of Liberty: A Philosophy of the Americas

Тhe AEI Press, 1990

The subject of this book, the author writes, „is how to build institutions of liberty in this hemisphere of the Americas.“ Its thrust is twofold. First, Novak argues that North Americans and Latin Americans often speak past each other conceptually. Without an understanding of the Catholic intellectual traditions of southern Europe and Latin America, he contends, „one cannot really enter the horizon of Latin American intellectual discourse.“ Second, he asserts that the basic reason Latin America has not reached full liberation is that it offers insufficient economic opportunity for the masses of its people. For this he offers a prescription: capitalism with minimal state intervention. But Novak has simply put a moral gloss on the standard argument that capitalism will solve the severe problems of backward economies; lacking any new ideas, his book fails to convince.



God`s Country: Taking the Declaration Seriously

The 1999 Francis Boyer Вecture

The AEI Press, 2000

The essay printed here is the lecture delivered by Michael Novak at the annual dinner of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C., on February 25, 1999. At that dinner, Mr. Novak received AEI’s Francis Boyer Award for 1999. The award was established in 1977 by SmithKline Beecham, in memory of its former chief executive officer, to recognize individuals who have made exceptional practical or scholarly contributions to government policy and social welfare. The complete roster of Boyer Award recipients is included in this volume.



Още няколко книги за морала, религията, пазара и капитализма.

Започваме, естествено, с Адам Смит.


The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary

Moral Science and Moral Order. The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan: Volume XVII

Markets and Morality

The Foundation of Morality


„Are Economists Basically Immoral?“

and Other Essays on Economics, Ethics, and Religion 


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