Ново в Икономическата библиотека (22-26 август 2011)

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От 15 до 21 август 2011 г. в Троян се проведе летен семинар на тема: „Европа и свободата”, организиран от Института за икономически изследвания – Европа (IES-Europe), Фондация за свободата „Фридрих Науман” и Института за пазарна икономика.


За наша голяма радост почти всички автори/книги, които бяха цитирани от лекторите в семинара, можете да намерите в Икономическата библиотека.


В няколко поредни броя на бюлетина ще ви ги представим.


В началото бе…Адам Смит.

 The Wisdom of Adam Smith: A Collection of His Most Incisive and Eloquent Observations 

Adam Smith

Liberty Fund, 1976

Adam Smith was an eloquent man of considerable philosophical and historical learning. His most incisive and enduring observations are collected here on subjects ranging from political and economic history to morals, art, education, war, and the American colonies. Throughout, notes an admirer in the introduction, „his writing is blessedly free of that use of jargon (and mathematics) that characterizes most of the modern materials in economics. His ideas are expressed in a lucid, straightforward manner that makes them accessible to all.



The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

Bantam Classic, 2003

First published in 1776, the year in which the American Revolution officially began, Smith’s Wealth of Nations sparked a revolution of its own. In it Smith analyzes the major elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other government policies that affect economic behavior. Throughout he offers seminal arguments for free trade, free markets, and limited government.

Criticizing mercantilists who sought to use the state to increase their nations’ supply of precious metals, Smith points out that a nation’s wealth should be measured by the well-being of its people. Prosperity in turn requires voluntary exchange of goods in a peaceful, well-ordered market. How to establish and maintain such markets? For Smith the answer lay in man’s social instincts, which government may encourage by upholding social standards of decency, honesty, and virtue, but which government undermines when it unduly interferes with the intrinsically private functions of production and exchange. Social and economic order arise from the natural desires to better one’s (and one’s family’s) lot and to gain the praise and avoid the censure of one’s neighbors and business associates. Individuals behave decently and honestly because it gives them a clear conscience as well as the good reputation necessary for public approbation and sustained, profitable business relations.



Богатството на народите

Адам Смит

Партиздат, 1983

Нито едно друго изследване не е хвърлило толкова светлина върху принципите и механизмите на икономиката, колкото „Богатството на народите“. Адам Смит не просто формулира фундаментални постулати като теорията за разделението на труда или теорията за „невидимата ръка“. „Богатството на народите“ е алфата и омегата на икономическата наука, най-всеобхватното и задълбочено изследване на същността на икономическата система, която днес наричаме капитализъм. 



The Theory of Moral Sentiments 

Adam Smith

Liberty Classics, 2011

The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith’s first and in his own mind most important work, outlines his view of proper conduct and the institutions and sentiments that make men virtuous. Here he develops his doctrine of the impartial spectator, whose hypothetical disinterested judgment we must use to distinguish right from wrong in any given situation. We by nature pursue our self-interest, according to Smith. This makes independence or self-command an instinctive good and neutral rules as difficult to craft as they are necessary. But society is not held together merely by neutral rules; it is held together by sympathy. Smith argues that we naturally share the emotions and to a certain extent the physical sensations we witness in others. Sharing the sensations of our fellows, we seek to maximize their pleasures and minimize their pains so that we may share in their joys and enjoy their expressions of affection and approval.



Adam Smith: The Man and His Works 

E.G. West

Liberty Fund, 1977

Adam Smith’s political economy, as we shall endeavor to show, has meaning for all times, and indeed in many ways even the modern era has not yet caught up with it. – E. G. West, in his Prefatory Note.


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